Thursday, June 19, 2014

Export to CSV without headers in SSRS

        In SSRS report we have an option to export report to many formats like Excel, CSV, PDF, Word and so on. In case of CSV export, we will get all the column headers in exported file. Some time we need CSV without column header. Below is the solution to get this done.

à Open rsreportserver.config file under C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\{INSTANCE}\Reporting Services\ReportServer in reporting server.
à Add below mentioned XML tags after <Extension Name="CSV"... />

<Extension Name="CSV (No Header)" Type="Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.DataRenderer.CsvReport,Microsoft.ReportingServices.DataRendering">
   <Name Language="en-us"> CSV No Header</Name>

à Save the file.

 After this changes, run one report. Under export option in that report, you must be able to see the option 'CSV No Header' as in below image(a). And exported data will not contains any headers.

CSV No Header
a) Export to CSV with no header


  1. Thanks for the info. It is exactly what we needed!

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  2. I'm not sure where to ask this question. I've been all over the web looking for an answer. When I google "Visual Studio 2015 Report Designer change export" this is the first link, so here goes.

    I'm trying to export a report as pipe delimited and without headers. I've found several discussions about how to change the config file on the server. But I'm not there yet.

    I'm on my local machine. I'm running VS 2015 (14.0.25431.01 Update 3). It has SQL Server Reporting Services (14.0.806.134) installed. I can create a report as a Report Server Project. When I go to export (not deploy) it as CSV the resulting file has headers. I need to remove those headers.

    Like you say I need to edit the config file rsreportserver.config

    Why would it be under SQL Server folder? Do I need a SQL Server installed/running to make VS work? I don't think so. What if I have more than one server installed locally? Nothing in my VS setup indicates what server to use. So how would VS ever find this file?

    I did find rsreportserver.config in 2 places under a local instance of SQL Server 2016 Developer. Changing these did not affect the VS output. I didn't expect it to since VS knows nothing about any servers until I make some explicit connection.

    My question is how can I configure VS Reporting Services Report Designer to create a pipe delimited, no header export? Since you explained that above, where is this config file?

  3. Thank you for posting this simple and effective solution. It did not even occur to me to try to add a no-headers .csv export option. Our rsreportserver.config file was at C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS11.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer

  4. I am having an issue with exporting to CSV No Header through a subscription. It intermittently works. When it fails, it returns "The value "CSV (No Header)' is not valid for setting 'Render Format'." Is there any suggestions on how to resolve.

  5. Thanks - this works for me using SSRS 2016

  6. I edited the config file but the service is not starting

  7. i have try this, notice that it will still include title of the report. Hiding the column thru text box property only hide during run time, when export the value/data still there.

    Report sample : Microsoft.SystemCenter.DataWarehouse.Report.Availability

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